Email is unidirectional—anyone, at any time, can just go to your inbox without permission, invitation or consideration. Empowering the world to demand a thin slice of your attention is more than unfair—it’s a recipe for constant distraction. These are my rules for taking back control, and my undivided attention.
Rule No. 1: Unsubscribe.
Most people sign up for newsletters with the best of intentions. But there is no way you can read every product update, sales announcement or latest happening from your vendors. Unsubscribing takes a little more time than deleting, but it will save you hours every year. Think what you can do with that newfound freedom.
Rule No. 2: Delete with a vengeance.
When in doubt, delete. If it’s that important, someone will follow up with you. Respond to what you can and move the rest to recycling. To avoid deleting emails from truly important senders—like your parents, or kids, or boss—assign them a unique color or set up a similar email rule that lets you know at a glance which messages are most likely to be critical.
Rule No. 3: Bolster Your Subject Lines.
"On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar."
Why waste valuable real estate with lines like, "Please read", "Follow up", "Checking in", or worse … writing nothing at all. Tell me what you’re emailing me about, or what you need, and I’m much more likely to spare you from the delete key.
Rule No. 4: Keep it brief.
There is nothing more annoying than a long, rambling, detail-stuffed email that ends with "Thoughts"? These get deleted first. If your message is more than a few sentences, it probably needs to be an in-person conversation, or at the very least a phone call. Get to the point and have a call to action. Train your colleagues to do the same. You’ll all be happier and more productive for it.
沒有什么能比一封冗長、雜亂無章、充滿細節(jié)、以一堆想法結尾的的郵件還要煩人的了。你首要要做的就是刪了這類郵件。如果你的郵件話很多,那似乎你需要的是一個私人談話或者至少是一通電話。請馬上抓住重點并打電話。訓練你的同事也這么做。這會讓你更快樂、更有效率。 |